This is version 1.2 PL2 (patchlevel 2) of the tin newsreader. o Compiles & runs on Unix, AmigaDOS & OS/2 (Not finished). o Based more on Notes and tass than rn type newreaders. o Full screen, easy to use with on-line help at all levels. o Reads news locally (ie. /usr/spool/news) and/or via NNTP/INN/CD-ROM. o Supports the XOVER news overview index file standard. o Threads on Subject: and/or Archive-name: mail headers. o Five different operating levels: - Spooldir selection level (CD-ROM only) - Group selection level - Thread selection level - Article selection level - Article viewer o Same interface to mail, pipe, print and save articles. o Auto unpacking of multi-part shar & uuencoded articles. o Killing and auto-selection (hot) of articles. o History of user posted articles. o Reposting of articles from one newsgroup to another. o Batch mode to mail/save new news when user is on holiday. o Random signature generator on a per newsgroup basis. o Builtin NNTP mini-inews & clientlib.c o NNTP extensions XINDEX, XMOTD & XUSER to allow better admin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Major improvements over tin 1.2 PL1 are the following: o Added more support for 386BSD machines. o Added more support for AmigaDOS machines. o Added more support for HPUX machines. o Added more support for Mips machines. o Added more support for OS/2 machines. o Added more support for Pyramid machines. o Added more support for u3b2 machines. o Added reconnection to timed out nntp server. o Added group description text to groupname when searching at top level. o Added auto-subscribe/unsubscribe to/from new newsgroups. o Added basic navigation with mouse when running in a xterm window. o Added support for INN nntplib functions (GetFQDN() & GetConfigValue()). o Added -n cmd line option to read only subscribed to groups from active. o Added automatic entry into group when it was selected via a number. o Added basic MIME support (by calling Metamail). o Added more checking for article forging. o Changed article checking routine to be less facist when checking groups. o Fixed slowdown when entering a group compared to earlier releases. o Fixed -I cmd line option to specfiy different index directory. o Fixed direct use of getcwd() instead of get_cwd() in misc.c o Fixed 'Article rejected' error message from external inews. o Fixed reading of Xref: lines in xover data that could cause SIGSEGV. o Fixed connecting to ANU news server that was causing SIGSEGV. o Fixed poll() routine that was being initialized with wrong parameters. o Fixed valid_artnum() routine to use a binary instead of linear search. o Fixed strfpath() routine that was returning bogus filenames from env vars. o Fixed Makefile 'make install' rule. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For info. about the AmigaDOS port read the README.AMI file. For info. about the OS/2 port read the README.OS2 file. For compilation and installation information read the INSTALL file. For more bug fixes, changes & additions read the CHANGES & TODO files. For info. about my NNTP patches read the README.NNTP & INSTALL.NNTP files. For ftp & non-ftp source & binary availability read the FTP file. For an internal overview of tin read the HACKERS file. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I wish to thank all the people that sent me bug fixes and comments (especially Bryan Dongray, Clifton Royston, John Schmitz & Mark Tomlinson). I still want to hear of any bug reports, gripes and comments but *PLEASE* read the INSTALL, TODO and tin.1 manual page before doing anything :-)!. Also please make sure you have the newest release of tin before reporting any problems to me. My time is limited and I don't want to have to backtrack to assist with an old problem when it may have already been fixed in the newest release. I read & reply to questions that are posted to Enjoy Iain (